Are you ready to be in your prime?
Coaching to help with educational, career and personal goals for:
- Young adults
- People from BAME backgrounds
- Professionals in the Education Sector
Geraldine Withey
Founder & Coach
“These are the best years of your life ..”
Have you heard this? Maybe it feels like that sometimes but it doesn’t always feel like this.
Balancing friends, family, career and future goals, you are far from ‘generation snowflake’.
You are simply trying to work through this thing we call life.
I want to bring you understanding, and confidence whilst harnessing your inner power to make positive change and be in your prime.

One- to-one sessions to support with positive change.
Courses & Training.
Sessions on particular set skills, subjects and techniques.
Guides, thought leadership,
videos, blogs and more.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.